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Today's Top Coupons, Deals & Offers

A mere mention of savings and shoppers hop on their shopping horse with head held high to hunt down the best of every possibility! CandyMag is your magical getaway that makes super-savings an option on online purchases of luxury items, fashion essentials and household goods. Just utilize its exceptional promo codes and coupon codes and experience the wonder!


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Bumper Savings all the way!

CandyMag recollects an inspiring catalogue of the hottest discount offers and promotional codes that can be put to use to clutch in unbelievable savings. Whether you want to shop from the top online stores in Philippines, book a family tour package or celebrate a gathering with wholesome feast, we are committed to make it all fall right into your budget. 

Bring home the fineness and luxuries you crave to inculcate in your lifestyle in the most cost-effective way, partner up with us and let the wonders work. When it comes to trending styles, aspired health and sustainability goods, sports and entertainment products, you’ll definitely attract colossal savings by putting discount codes and vouchers to use.  

Top Fashion Vouchers and Discounts

A sucker for fashion is always treated righteously with latest fashion vouchers and offers applicable on top stores in Philippines. Own up the celebrity inspired styles, ramp-walk fashion accessories and footwear without breaking a sweat about the prices!


Receive A Discount Of Up To 53% On Men's & Women's Sportswear

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Acquire Deals On Men's, Women's & Kid's Apparel With 60% OFF - Use The Promo Code

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Shop For Women's Accessories & Equipment - Save Up To 55%

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Top Food & Drink Vouchers and Discounts

Does the quest for taste drive you the most? CandyMag has got a plethora of wonderfully working vouchers and discounts to reduce the expenses of online food orders in Philippines. Feast upon the most delectable dishes and tickling drinks from high-rated restaurants!


Attain A Minimum Spend Of ₱30 To Collect Women's Accessories

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Receive A Discount Of Up To 53% On Men's & Women's Sportswear

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Order Mineral Water Bottles & Redeem Up To 47%

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Top Travel Vouchers and Discounts

Have the wilderness held by the world got your soul or the beauty contained by the tourist hubs captivates you? Join in to grab the best accommodation deals, discounts on business or leisure travel tickets, and price drops on exciting activities from CandyMag.


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Select Desired Hotels With A Discount Of 25% - Apply The Coupon Code - Metrobank Card Offer

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Acquire Deals On Tours & Attractions In Japan - Save Up To 68%

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Select Preferred Flight Tickets From Manila To Angeles City With A Minimum Spend Of ₱6,894

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Popular Categories

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How does It work?

Fueling your passion for shopping with great value 

CandyMag is an exclusive creation that is destined to make your shopping dreams come alive by giving you access to undeniably good offers! From the greatness of latest-generation technology, smart home appliances, fashion apparels, beauty treatments to luxurious holidays, all your purchases online will be delicately budgeted. The discount codes and coupons gathered by our expert team works like a magic wand when it comes to cutting down the big prices. 

Own up your fashionable side, treat your game freak soul, smarten up your abode and lift up your living pattern with premium goodies that were nothing but a far-fetched thought for you. We know every Filipino deserves nothing but the absolute best and with a motive to facilitate that, we have experts striving to bring all the deals and offers at one place. Expect the most benefitting bargains during your venture with CandyMag and exploit these variables make the most of it: 

  • Every Day Deals: We incessantly work on bringing forth an incredible range of coupons and discounts on your favorite brands so that you don’t have to waste your breath in searching for a cheaper rate. 
  • Merchant and store offers: In our effort to maximize your savings while making transactions online, we tend to list out the stores and brand offers that you adore. This will definitely lead you to a better bargain on your favorite categories like home and garden, fashion accessories, clothing and others. 
  • Stay in the know: CandyMag delivers the latest happenings through news and bulletins to its users along with the daily deals to make them aware of their surroundings. 
What we do?

CandyMag has sworn to serve every Filipino for the better and make the most coveted goods and lifestyle attainable to them. In order to make the most reputed clothing, footwear, electronics, sportswear, home décor and travelling names affordable to each keen shopper, we keep a close watch on multitudinous offers to the related categories. With the extensive research, we add the concerned offers eligible on stores like Lazada,, Adidas PH, Shopee, AliExpress, Foodsource, and other on our website. 

Whenever an adventure come calling or a change is required in your styling sense, pick and expose the coupon codes that are pinned by us. All the high-end price tags will get dissolved and you’ll be able to embrace the goodness that these superstores have to offer. With all the accumulated offers and vouchers, introduce yourself with a new level of comfort, ease and maximize the value of your purchases. Make CandyMag your partner-in-shopping and attain the desired items, longed vacations and more at the most affordable prices! We pride ourselves in locating an advantageous solution to your shopping needs and rendering humongous discounts on top stores in Philippines.

How to Use Coupon Codes?

Put a pause on compromising with low-quality due to your inadequate budget and start living your life at the fullest! CandyMag has brought such opportunities at your disposal where you can choose to save plenty while enjoying the richness of high-quality goods. Starting from the latest technology, healthcare treatments, skin care and body care essentials, to outdoor and training products, with a little use of our coupon codes you can own all of it. 

Explore our homepage to discover newly listed offers and deals to unfurl the discounted rates on your most-loved stores in Philippines. Follow the instructions given below and make the most of your shopping expeditions every time you partner up with us: 

  • Scroll down to our portal to unfurl some intriguing discounts that can be earned by utilizing the coupon codes and active deals collected by our experts. 
  • Just look for your concerned store or brands to find the related discounts to come up with maximized benefits during your online shopping.
  • Pick and copy any of the offers that seem to reap the most advantages for your food order, ticket booking or shopping. 
  • Proceed to the online store in Philippines and add the coupon code to make your purchases budgetary. 
  • Check out and avail huge savings on each of your purchases and keep your savings intact with CandyMag discount codes. 

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